Friday, 17 August 2012

Casting Stones

Any Guru worth his salt will be ready willing and able to steal from other sources to back up his own position, and as I am very adept at this you will not be surprised to hear me use a phrase from the gospel of John. I don't know his last name, it was probably not Smith, McEnroe or Bon Jovi, perhaps he was just known as John, one of those men who follow that mobile carpenters shop around the middle east.

John wrote in his diary about this other guru whose name escapes me completely...anyway the fellow had the knack of saying the right thing at the right time and John and some of his mates were there to scribble it down and save it for posterity enabling the whole world to know what some fellow was doing all those years ago.

Jesus Christ!

Sorry, I just remembered his name, it was Jesus Christ!

The story I'm talking about is the one where Jesus Christ! was on his way back from the Olympics, which had been staged in Greece that year, when he and his band of merry men called into a drive through felafel stand and spotted a crowd gathering around a young attractive lady. The crowd were all carrying rocks and Jesus Christ! thought to himself I better see if I can do something newsworthy - "come on chaps, get your note books out, this is going to be good" he said as he threw his felafel aside and strode towards to crowd.

You see, Jesus Christ! was a clever man, he knew there were very few reasons for a crowd to gather with rocks, eliminating the possibility of a Cliff Richard concert he decided that the young attractive lady must be the source of the crowds ferment.

He asked what was happening and was told that the young attractive lady was actually a young attractive boy from the Philippines and he had tricked several local men into some hanky panky.

Jesus Christ! walked to the centre of the crowd and held up his hands demanding silence and he said to the gathered masses, "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Nothing happened until suddenly a rock came hurtling out of the crowd and struck the young attractive ladyboy on the temple. "Jesus Christ!" shouted Jesus Christ!..."who threw that rock?"

Cliff Richard put his hand up rather sheepishly and Jesus Christ! said "oh, it's you Cliff, that's OK then."

Another member of the crowd then spoke up and said to Jesus Christ!, "Are you trying to say that we can only throw stones at this person who has committed a sin if we ourselves have never committed a sin because if that is the case no-one would ever be able to throw any stones because there is not any man or woman or ladyboy alive in this village or in the wider world, except Cliff, who has lived a blameless life. To be human is to sin, so basically we should all put our rocks down and go about our business and try not to sin anymore?"

Jesus Christ! stared at the man for a long time and then threw a rock at his head.

Much of these facts didn't end up in the original draft of the bible but I have it on good authority from Cliff that this is what happened.

The moral is clear for all to see I hope, that is if you must open your mouth to speak make sure you don't annoy a guru.

Yesterday several people annoyed the Guru and as I was not near enough to throw rocks I just wrote a few words on Facebook. I would write more about this subject but I have just spotted the news headlines about Ian Brady and all of a sudden I have the temptation to delete all of the above and just join the queue of people who would willingly beat his brains out with anything that came to hand, rocks would be nice though.

The extreme prohibition against judging another without first judging ourselves might have to come second on this occasion to the even older bible lesson - an eye for an eye.

The story about Brady is complicated though because in a way it is a story that should not be printed unless it is really proven to be true. I think this is one time that the only story should have been 'Keith Bennett's body discovered'. That would be a story that would ease the final days of the life of Winnie Johnson, the mother who has fought so hard and so long to be able to lay her son to rest.

I hope this torture for her can have the ending we would hope and that we have not just seen a final cruel chapter written by Brady, aided by the modern day Johns.

Post Script....

Just one day later and the sad news is announced that Winnie Johnson has died. She never got the peace she deserved in life - no matter your belief system surely we can all believe she is at peace now.

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