...I hate everyone equally!
These words (attributed to WC Fields) came to mind as I watched a series of MP's talk about how they were neither homophobes nor bigots but did not believe that same sex couples should be granted an equal right to marry. There was a certain oleaginous quality to their delivery and it was like a verbal oil slick was being created in which they hoped all the pretty gay sea birds would be suffocated.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Hello everyone and welcome to the world of the Guru.
As I predicted yesterday to anyone who would listen, the fact that the House of Commons passed a vote (enabling the further passage of a bill which hopes to enact same sex marriage) has not stopped the sun from appearing this morning. The world continues to turn and in their comfy little burrows the Daily Mail readers are plotting their revenge!
As someone who has chosen to live life without god I made a decision some time ago not to argue about her existence with those who are her followers. Each to their own. Religion and faith is a very private thing and in this country all are free to follow their chosen path and even have protection in law to do so. I refer to god as female because I have a theory she is called Christine and it was a bad translation somewhere that gave us Christine-anity.
I know that Christians are always bleating on about being discriminated against, especially when they are not allowed to be bigots and refuse to serve or help people they find offensive and unclean. The truth is that Christians are a protected species, they even have representation in the law making process of this country, this democratic country where all are equal under said law.
The Church of England is a very powerful organisation, headed by Mrs Queen of course. It is because of the Church of England's influence that I am not allowed to perform legally recognised marriage ceremonies but that's a debate for another day.
The Church of England and other churches believe that marriage is not really marriage unless you make a commitment to god and that it should be considered a holy estate. After the religious part of the ceremony of course, you sign the register and it is only that act that legally shows you are married in the eyes of the state. That's why registrars exist and that's why some choose to have a civil ceremony when they can commit to each other without Christine sat in the back of the room.
Much of the debate yesterday seemed to revolve around how churches would be forced to say nice things about nasty gay people and they didn't like the idea of having gay men up their aisles! The problem is that this bill does not force any church to carry out same sex marriage and even precludes the sacred beast that is the Church of England from considering doing so.
What's the fuss about then?
Why should we be so scared of allowing two men or two women to say 'I Do' and granting them the right to say they are married?
It's is bigotry - plain and simple.
I was asked to take part in a debate on the radio, as a supporter of equality in marriage I was asked to respond to the views of a lady vicar who used the bible as a defence of her bigotry. Homosexuality is a sin, Christine says so! She went on to say that god is like our father (I think she meant mother) and we should all be nice children and not break the rules laid out in the instruction manual for life called the bible. She then said how naughty children get punished, like those who commit the sins of theft and burglary will pay by going to jail.
My response was that people get sent to jail for committing crimes not sins and that these crimes were acts contrary to the law of the land and that we are all equal under the law. I also pointed out that if the bible was going to be useful as a tool we should at least acknowledge that over thousands of years and several translations the human race has changed it and that it should not be taken literally...or are we all creationists?
Those who love Christine are very quick to pick the bits from the bible that suit their own particular bigotry, they then seem to forget about the message of 'love for your fellow man, who was created in gods image'.
Even the bible thinks we are all equal so why shouldn't the law of the land treat us all as equal.
One of the other arguments put forward was that to redefine marriage would undermine the whole concept of what marriage is really about - the procreation of children. My response would be that there is no shortage of children in the world, many born out of wedlock and there are many married couples who have no children for a variety of reasons...are their marriages less valid? Are the little bastards not real children who need love and affection from their unmarried mums and dads? If there was no marriage there would still be children and the fact that modern families look different is again nothing to be scared of.
The bigots are clutching at straws and the simple truth is there are no logical reasons why equal marriage rights should not be available. There is no wedge of which this is the thin end, although I did hear some posh lady on Radio 4 saying that we'll be blessing threesomes next!
The bill will be debated and refined as it passes through the process of becoming law and eventually I expect Mrs Queen will be asked to sign her name to the bottom and she will do it because even though she is head of the church in England, she knows her duty to ALL the people of this country requires that final sign. In this country we can all aspire to be equal.
Have a nice day and if you are planning a wedding can I suggest you make sure you love each other more than you love god.