The Last Night Of The World
Only three days into the New Year and it might be as far as we get!
Trump playing golf, hits a bad drive and is so angry he decides to nuke Iran.
And it’s no laughing matter really because you wouldn’t bet against him continuing to escalate this latest dick measuring contest with the Iranians after they respond to the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, which I guess they will.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no apologist for the Iranians, they have plenty to answer for, but to think not so long ago the previous US President had managed to formulate some kind of deal with them that, although not perfect, would have kept the world a little safer.
Fingers crossed that wiser heads prevail because we do not need another conflict in the Middle East…or anywhere.
Man made conflict aside, the consequences of another battle are seemingly becoming more and more acute.
Australia continues to burn, people facing the terrible power of nature and are pretty limited in how they can respond other than to run, shelter on beaches perhaps, just keep out of the way. A thought for the bravery of the fireman who are courageously doing their best and it must certainly make their job harder if people don’t follow advice and evacuate.
I think this has been a timely if costly reminder that human beings may think we own the world but we don’t. The planet Earth does not need any of us, not a single human being is necessary to give value to this planet.
We are the most arrogant of species. We think we can do anything because we have already done so much and yet none of us can make the wind change direction or turn the path of a tsunami or calm an erupting volcano.
Being that person who refuses to leave your home, who wants to stand and fight a raging inferno and then needs rescuing, putting other lives at risk - arrogance. Stupidity?
You can rebuild a house, start again, but not if you’re dead.
Think about those areas of the world where huge disasters have displaced mankind for a while…like Chernobyl. The plants and wildlife crept back and adapted and reestablished an eco system all without the help of mankind. Our absence made it possible.
Arrogance: that we are somehow so special the world cannot function without us, that we are so smart that nothing could happen without us controlling it. We can glorify ourselves, feel more important than our fellow human beings, just because of which bit of the planet we happened to be born on!
What a load of crap.
And the present political climate around the world is stoking the fires of nationalist, jingoistic rhetoric and soon that could rage as out of control as the bush fires in Australia.
Maybe the Bible was right and we are living through the end of days?
God created man, man destroyed himself and the world kept turning…all in the blink of an eye.