Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Things That Go Bump...

I know what you're all thinking, it must be bad if the old fellow is rolling out a blog!

I've given up on being a Guru, the incense bills were eye-watering and to be honest so was the incense.

Instead I've morphed into an affable old grandfather figure with slightly rumpled dress sense and an occasionally grumpy persona.

But the reason I decided to write to you all today is that with it being Halloween you might be scared and I wanted to calm you all with my simple homespun philosophy.

So, things that go bump in the night; like two strangers meeting in the dark on a common somewhere in London. One of them loses his phone but then many years later loses his dignity and credibility.

Not because he is gay, but because he uses the shield of his sexuality to somehow defend his deplorable acts against a 14 yr old boy.

And before you all start shouting 'innocent until proven guilty', he's not actually denying this is he?

A powerful and talented man who it now seems was well known for his predilections.

Too powerful to be challenged by those in the know?

In light of the events from Savile to Weinstein, we have seen how power can be used to destroy and cripple the lives of others. The scandals bubbling under the surface at Westminster will soon burst through and prove again that men in positions of power may sometimes misuse that power.

I'm letting the cat out of the bag now...many years ago, in another life, there was a Police operation to entrap men who were using public toilets to meet other men for sex.  Endless nights of recording car number plates, identifying 'suspects'. There was so much information gathered it filled a number of filing cabinets (pre computers)  and then one day it all disappeared. The filing cabinets were emptied.

It was rumoured that the operation had gathered information on the wrong people, some very 'powerful' people and so, the operation ended.

Fast forward some 30 years and we see abuse of power still has a hold and this is made worse by our own deference.

When an MP starts talking about 'witch hunts', you know you're on the right track and you should keep bloody hunting. Being an MP doesn't mean you get a free pass on asking your secretary to buy sex toys or putting your hand on a female journalists knee. You get called out!

Being a world class actor like Kevin Spacey doesn't earn you any privileges when it comes to molesting boys.

And if you knew about this behaviour and said nothing, did nothing, then you are part of the problem.

The powerful only have power because it is granted to them...deny them that power if you can.

The thing I want to hear go bump, is all those pompous, arrogant, bastards who think they are better than everyone else, hitting the deck as they come crashing down to reality.

Happy Halloween.