Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The Gospel According to Me

I really do try and let others live as they wish. I’m a very liberal man. I know what I believe and I accept that others believe differently to me and that’s a good way for the world to turn as far as I can see. All of us following the path we think we should follow.

Recently, however, I have been getting a little fed up with the sniping and the comments from people who don't know me but think they have a right to judge me because I don't believe in god.

I wanted to take just a little time to address these people, to offer a little judgement of my own before I go back to my path and happily walk on to the end of my life, when I shall cease to exist in body and in spirit. 

Here we go then...

Dear god botherers, if you ask me to justify why I don’t believe in god please don't be surprised when I ask you to justify why you do. I will gladly answer your question and the answer will be based in fact and reason which is obviously something your answer will be short on.

Dear bible bashers, the bible does not prove anything other than that men can write down words in sentences and paragraphs and chapters. It is not proof that god exists.

It wasn’t written in English, it was translated into English and it was translated by humans who might have made mistakes in the translation or even altered it deliberately to strengthen their own position and reinforce certain beliefs.

There are certainly parts of the bible which contain some very useful lessons for life, for example how man should love his fellow man - although that’s one rule the religious find less keen to accept. 
It is possible to be a good family man and neighbour and citizen and never bend the knee in prayer. You can just be a decent human being and expect no reward in heaven.

Dear concerned Christians, there is not a god shaped hole in my life - my life is full of meaning and if you felt that there was a hole in your life, why did you fill it with god and not with fish finger sandwiches as this would seem an eminently more sensible  and practical way to fill a hole.

I have a question for those who have filled their ‘hole’ with Christianity - why didn't you choose Islam or Buddhism or Zoroastrianism or Odin or become a Jedi? 

Could it be because you are English?  Does the god of Abraham have special privileges in the UK that prevent other faiths having a claim on your ‘hole’?

Dear proselytizing pest - no, I’m not scared of dying. I would like to live as long as possible but when the time comes there does not seem much I can do about it other than say cheerio. The religious seem much more scared of death in my experience and yet you should all embrace it, knowing with certainty that your journey will continue with god in heaven.

Dear doom laden doorstepping prophets, if the end of the world is upon us I intend to enjoy my final days and not cower with my head in my hands begging for forgiveness just for being human. 

I know this all seems a little cheap and vindictive but I’m only returning the gift that the faithful have been so keen to give to me of late.

I really don’t care what you believe, but I do care if you force your views on others and try and shape the world to your ends. 

It’s been very liberating getting this off my chest and I know the faithful will forgive me - if they don’t they should give up on religion as it’s obviously not for them.


PS: Just as I was about to post this blog entry the doorbell guessed it. Janet and Sandra with this months Watchtower!

She has a real sense of irony this god of yours.