Thursday, 24 March 2011

I Haven't Had Tomorrow

The above line is part of a response once offered by Elizabeth Taylor when she was asked what else could she possibly need out of life, she had it all - it's quite a wonderful reply and suits the image we all have of Dame Elizabeth.

I'm not going to write her obituary today, although it would be a great read, but they have spoken to so many people about her life and her legacy that I think it's all been said - she was a great movie star and an even greater human being.

I do have one nagging question though, who will comment on the death of Michael Winner when it occurs, because he won't be free!

I think my blog yesterday left some a little confused, my use of Star Wars as a base metaphor left you nonplussed, basically I was having a go at a miserable old Catholic priest (Darth Chris) - anyway he has been bumped down the scale of religious people I detest and the Westboro Baptists are back at the top of the list.

That bunch of bible wielding maggots should be thrown to the lions - can you imagine wanting to protest at  Elizabeth Taylor's funeral because of her support for the American Foundation for Aids Research - free speech gone mad.

"The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues" - and in that quote Dame Elizabeth deals with these awful bigots, she was a class act.

Another class act is Phil Lavelle, and why the BBC has decided to let him go when they hold on to some so called talent is beyond me.

I have spoken to Phil, he is a very dear friend and we chat often, and passed on my best wishes for the future - and here's hoping he and all of my followers get the chance to live life as it should be lived and never give up hoping that they will get a chance to have tomorrow.

"I want it all quickly 'cause I don't want God to stop and think and wonder if I'm getting more than my share."

Elizabeth Taylor - National Velvet

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