Monday 23 December 2019

You Could Drive A Person Crazy

23rd December

You Could Drive A Person Crazy

The thought processes of some people on the internet, or lack of a thought process, could drive a man to use such words as ‘stupid’ or even ‘idiotic’. But I’m not the sort of man who would use words like that to describe other human beings, no matter how feeble minded and daft they are.

The internet has allowed every partially educated muppet with internet access to display their lack of basic common sense with ease.

The ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ are a favourite of mine, like those who truly believe that we did not land a man on the moon. Now think about this, we live in a  society where there is no such thing as a secret anymore. With organisations like  Wikileaks and hordes of crusading journalists spending all of their energy crawling into every nook and cranny of public life, you really think that someone might have blabbed by now if it was a hoax.

The Holocaust Deniers, the Flat-Earthers, the Climate Change Deniers, all have free rein to spread their own anti-science, and alternative facts and that’s not forgetting the Anti- Vaccination brigade. 

They have the added joy of endangering people’s lives with their theories.

It’s impossible to have a reasonable debate about such things of course, because nobody is reasonable anymore…except for me and Stephen Fry. 

I’m seriously thinking of starting a cult based on one of the theories I just made up:

When I was a child we had one bath a week and no one had heard of autism…therefore people taking too many baths must cause autism.

When I was a child we were beaten soundly just for looking at a teacher but then they stopped corporal punishment and the next thing you know we have Al Qaeda.

When I was a child we had golliwogs on the jam, then they took them off and now we have an obesity epidemic in children.

I’m sure one of them will take off big style, especially if I can get celebrity endorsements from maybe Tommy Robinson or Uri Geller.

The internet is alive with the sound of stupid and that’s without even mentioning the religious & moralistic bigots who scream their poison into the dark void of the Twitter-sphere.

Evangelical extremists who believe Jesus was blonde haired and blue eyed and spoke with a soft Southern accent.

People who memorise huge chunks of the Bible just to weaponise the word of their god against heathens and foreigners…and homosexuals of course.

It’s a foregone conclusion that if anything goes wrong in the world, any natural disasters strike, then you can bet your bottom dollar a religious nutcase will pop up and blame it all on ‘the gays’.   

Navigating your way through all of this rubbish can be tiring and you might begin to think that the world is populated solely by these mongrels and charlatans but fear not…I’m here to restore balance.

"Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose” ( And The Children Shall Lead - Star Trek) 

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