Monday, 2 May 2011

A Weekend To Remember

I drag myself to the electronic tablet and I place my fingers on the slimline keyboard and my task this morning is to communicate with my little clique and to tell them the great news - Osama Bin Laden is dead!

What do you mean, you already know? Where did you hear it? Not on the news was it?

Quite a weekend, we started with a wedding and we ended with a funeral - and in between there were the deaths of Ted Lowe and Sir Henry Cooper. There was also a full on session in the ashram last evening where copious amounts of Pinot were dispatched and a chicken sacrificed for the visiting dignitaries.

It is as if we knew in advance that a little party was called for - and the laughter came thick and fast.

And still one more day to come in this long weekend, and you have to think to yourself, what can the world do now to top what we have woken up to this morning?

Of course, killing Bin Laden is totemic, a moment for people to celebrate but this sadly will be a short lived phase in the battle, how soon before we get the reprisals and another man goes to the top of the list and the battle resumes - a never ending battle I fear.

But that should not deflect us from enjoying Monday 2nd May 2011 and recalling how fitting that Osama died on May Day - may day, may day, may day. Sorry, you can call for help but it aint coming Osama!

I said that yesterday was a day for singing, I predicted that it was a good day - yet again, I was right. But you knew that all along didn't you, my little gang of lemmings.

Go, eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow we go to work. (some of us will be at work today but a Guru has to be on call 24/7).

PS - Happy Birthday to the mini Guru Max.

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